Matasano Crypto Challenges
Published 2015/02/13Recently, I started working through the Matasano Crypto Challenges. I’m about to graduate from university, and for my last semester I chose to treat these challenges as an independent research project. It’s even worth credit thanks to my wonderful advisor Dan Gillis.
I was first introduced to the challenges through Thomas Ptacek’s posts online. Thomas has been working in the computer security field for several decades now and founded Matasano security. He’s also sitting at the top of the list of contributors on Hacker News. Spending any significant amount of time on the site will cause you to run across some of his posts which typically focus on security, intrusion detection, and law. When I saw him post about the challenges, I followed the link and found myself reading through all the problem sets.
The challenges are introduced by Maciej Ceglowski who stumbled upon them in the same way that I did. In his introduction, he elaborates on some of the common fears, such as not having a strong enough background in math (not required) or having the code be out of his depth (they’re surprisingly shallow).
With this in mind, I decided to work through as many challenges as possible during the course of my final semester. Along the way, I will document the challenges and talk about the complexities that are encountered in some of the sets. By the end of the semester, I will be able present a proof of concept for one of the exploits at the Guelph Coding Community (GCC) presentations.
The main goal of this project is to learn more about applied cryptography and cryptanalysis. I’ve given several presentations on security before, including the bitcoin block chain, and the history of codebreaking, but I don’t get my hands dirty writing code as much as I’d like to. Hopefully, writing a ton of code for small challenges will reverse the trend.
Every good project needs a public repository, so all of the code I’m writing for this project is available on GitHub. It’s a python project, as that’s what I live and breathe these days, and the directory structure will likely change in the coming months as I adopt saner conventions. If I’m really feeling adventurous, it may even become a true, installable python package; though I’ll try to avoid pushing to PyPi.
The challenges are broken down into seven sets of eight problems each. The first set focuses on “the basics” and those are what I’ve been working through so far. This set is simply a warm-up for the problems to come; with hints that the code will be re-used at a later point. For each challenge I create a new python program, and endeavor to modularize things wherever possible.
In addition to being a module, each file also serves as a proof-of-concept script that performs some minor example associated with the task. As an example, the fourth challenge in the first set is concerned with detecting a line in a file that has been encoded using a ‘Single-byte XOR’ cipher. The code for encrypting/decrypting Single-byte XOR was developed in the challenge previous, so the fourth challenge imports this code rather than trying to re-invent the wheel. The code for the fourth challenge then uses this code to decipher the contents of a file and determine which line had been encrypted, and what the key to the encryption was.
So far the challenges have been simple enough that the only real roadblock has been finding the time to work on them. My intent was to have finished 3 challenge sets by this point, yet I’m only at the end of the first challenge set. In the coming weeks, I intend to make up the lost time so that I can get to the end of the third challenge set before my presentation to the GCC.
As it turns out, the biggest programming challenge so far has also been the most humbling: I just couldn’t get base64 to hex conversion to work properly. It seemed like it should be a trivial problem; convert base64 to a series of bytes, convert the bytes to hexadecimal for printing. Yet every time I printed my results I would have errors. Worse yet, the errors were intermittent, meaning that some of the output was encoded properly and some was incomprehensible. After at least an hour of bug hunting, in a single ~50 line module, I finally realized that I was encoding ‘a’s as 01 instead of 10.
The first challenge set is almost finished, and I’ve already begun plans for the second. Given a reasonable estimate of increase in complexity of the problems, it seems fair to suggest that I could get to set 5 before the end of the semester.
At set 5, there is a notice that the set is significantly harder than the last set. I intend to pick one or two problems from the fifth set to work on, and include in the final report that I present to my advisor. After all, this will be the stage where things actually start to get interesting.